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CWL funds transport costs for East Lothian Walking Festival participants

Walking Festival

The North Berwick Health and Wellbeing Association was established in 2017 to promote active and healthy living across all age groups, and to bring attention to inequalities in the area which have resulted from age, isolation, gender, mental health, and financial issues. The East Lothian Walking Festival, held in 2022 as WalkFest, promotes inclusivity and wide participation.

Therefore, the walking festival is free and the organisers urge participants to utilise public transport or travel to the walks together where possible, to lessen the carbon footprint of the event. As five of the bigger festival walks are ‘off the beaten track’, the organisers approached BeGreen for a grant of £1,310 to support the cost of hiring coach transport for participants that’ll prevent too many private car journeys.

The East Lothian Walking Festival runs from August 27th-September 3rd, details can be found at

Walking or simply spending time in nature has long been renowned for improving one’s mental and physical well-being. The five ‘off the beaten track’ walks this year are:

  1. A circular walk around Cockburnspath and Oldhamstocks
  2. An adult’s ‘Duke of Edinburgh Award Day’
  3. Twin Peaks walk from Traprain Law to Berwick Law
  4. Circular walk around Lammer Law
  5. A commemorative walk to Doon Hill, the sire of the 1650 Battle of Dunbar

Hilary Smith, Chair of the East Lothian Walking Festival steering group”, said: “Through their support of Walkfest23, Community Windpower is helping people directly to become more active, get out and about and explore our beautiful county. Thanks to their commitment to helping community projects, the Festival can continue to provide walks for all abilities and free of charge. We are really grateful for their help and support. Community Windpower have enabled us to provide free transport for walks in the wilder parts of East Lothian, further reducing the need for private car journeys. This means you really don't need a car to take part in Walkfest23. Great for walkers, great for the Festival and great for the environment!"

Anouska Woods, Community Coordinator at BeGreen Dunbar, said: “This walking festival, taking place in the beautiful surroundings we enjoy here in East Lothian, will be a summer highlight for us here and we are delighted to facilitate this grant to such a wonderful organisation. We wish them an enjoyable and safe festival!”

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