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Community Windpower's funding boost for Dunbar Grammar School

Dunbar Grammar School

When Dunbar Grammar School pupils returned to lessons last month, the school looked at how it could follow Covid-19 School Guidelines and maximise the use of outdoor spaces for learning.

After reviewing space around the school, it identified a large internal courtyard that could offer both lessons and a place for children to spend breaks and lunch.

Unfortunately, the space didn’t have any existing seating or tables and the school had no extra budget to purchase further furniture.

The school then turned to Community Windpower and BeGreen’s joint Covid-19 crisis fund for help.

The grant application for £3,938 was quickly approved and the school will now be able buy the tables and chairs required to use the space as an extra resource.

The new equipment will enable all classes to use the outdoor area, but particularly classes that require pupil support to access the learning environment.

At present, students with additional support needs spend time working in the pupil support classroom and base, but opening up this outdoor space will be enormously advantageous for these students to work with the school’s staff. 

In addition, the area could also be used at break and lunchtime by all students, particularly as the Student Council has requested a quiet outdoor space for break and lunchtime.

Diane Wood, community benefits director at Community Windpower, which operates the Aikengall Community Wind Farms in East Lothian, said: “We didn’t hesitate when Dunbar Grammar School explained what it was planning to do with the funding, because it’s important we support all members of our communities during this Covid-19 pandemic.

“Providing children with a space outside to sit and eat in good weather can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing, while also stimulating a positive learning environment, particularly after they have returned to school following months away.

“We look forward to seeing the new look courtyard, and hope students are able to enjoy the additional benefit at the school.”

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