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Community Windpower continues to support East Lothian schools

Innerwick Primary School Badge

A grant from the community benefit fund associated with Aikengall Community Wind Farm, which is managed on behalf of Community Windpower by BeGreen, has been approved to help Innerwick Primary School once again.

The school was provided £2,000 from Community Windpower and BeGreen’s joint Covid-19 crisis fund in 2020 to purchase vital equipment and learning facilities to enable children to go back to school, while adhering to government guidelines.

And, now pupils are back in school, the new funding will help create a slabbed pathway, to replace an informal path across a grass field that is used by children, parents and teachers, that has now become muddy and very slippy.

The pathway also provides a safer exit from school, particularly for children walking to the local park as it means they don’t have to cross a road.

Previous work on the pathway including laying down rubber matting and gravel, but neither have worked, which is why the paving is now required.

The school hopes children and adults will benefit from the pathway both during and outside school hours, to access the school grounds and nearby woodland.

Diane Wood, community benefits director at Community Windpower, which operates the Aikengall Community Wind Farms in East Lothian, said: “The grant to build a new pathway for Innerwick Primary School is something we quickly approved, because we can see how much of a benefit it’ll be to the community.

“Safe access to outdoor play areas, parks and woodland are vital to children and adults, as they can provide mental health benefits, particularly during this Covid-19 pandemic.

“Our community benefit funds and Covid-19 crisis fund are there to help people and organisations make the most of opportunities available, and this is exactly what the pathway grant will do.”

For more information on Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar’s Covid-19 crisis fund, please contact Cathleen Anderson at the BeGreen shop in Dunbar.

It is usually open between Monday and Wednesday, from 9am to 1pm, and Cathleen is available to offer advice on energy saving, renewable top-up funding and other funding.

However, due to Covid-19 the shop is currently only accessible by calling 01368 863720 or by emailing

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  • Company Registration Number: 04588923
  • VAT number: 845 147 422
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